Florida Building Collapse and Funding Reserves
Since the building collapse in Florida I’ve seen posts online calling for sweeping legislation to require that associations fully fund their reserves. Before we overreact [...]
Reserve Study Funding Scenarios
All of our reserve studies contain the chart above with 6 different funding scenarios. This is a very helpful tool when an association is planning [...]
Reserve Studies and Balcony Inspections in California
In 2019 SB 326 was passed which requires HOA's and condominiums to inspect their balconies at least every 9 years. The findings of the inspection [...]
Reasons Homeowner Associations Should Build up Reserve Funds
Unfortunately, many aging condominiums lack adequate financial reserves. It is essential to building up reserve funds to plan for expected and unexpected repairs and maintenance [...]
Why Your HOA Needs Sufficient Cash Reserves
If you live in a development with a HOA (Homeowners’ Association) you usually pay a fee to help it keep up with maintenance where you [...]
The Ultimate Guide to Reserve Studies
It is essential that every group or person responsible for a property conducts a reserve study. A reserve study calculates the potential costs of repairs [...]
If Your Reserve Study Says a Components Remaining Life is 0 Does the Component Have to be Replaced?
The answer to this question is not a simple yes or no. Every year associations should review their reserve study and evaluate all components with [...]
Reserve Studies For Condominiums: What You Must Know
Conducting a reserve study is essential for every homeowner's association. A reserve study consultant provides a vital service for HOAs centered on condominiums. They look [...]
How to Get a Great Reserve Study
A great reserve study results in a funding plan which meets the National Reserve Study Standards. This means that sufficient funding is available when repairs [...]
6 Reasons a Reserve Study is Important
What is a reserve study? A reserve study is an analysis of the physical components and the financial status, including long-term planning and funding of [...]
Which Components Belong in the Reserve Study?
by Michael Nash The Component List The Reserve Component List forms the basis of every Reserve Study, specifying the scope and schedule of all projected [...]
How Often Should You Update Your Reserve Study?
It’s important that your Homeowners’ Association has a reserve fund which is being adequately contributed to. But, as the condition of your common interest property [...]